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Benefits of Leasing Your Next Vehicle | Vallejo, CA
Although buying a new car at Avery Greene Honda is the more traditional route, many drivers choose to lease their new set of wheels. But what are the benefits of leasing a car?
  • Smaller down payment: Leasing is a great option if you don’t have much saved up for a down payment on a new car. Many times, you can get a lease deal with nothing due at signing.

  • Smaller monthly payments: Because you are not buying the vehicle outright, you will not pay the full cost of the car — you will only make payments on a portion of the price. This means smaller monthly payments or the ability to drive a vehicle or trim level you might not otherwise be able to afford.
  • Warranty: Typically, lease vehicles remain under warranty the entire time you drive them, meaning you will never need to worry about costly repairs.
  • Technology: By leasing a new car every few years, you are not stuck with a major investment for more than 10 years. That means you will have access to the latest infotainment and connectivity technologies. More importantly, you will have access to the latest safety technologies, including new driver-assist features that improve each and every year.

Learn more about your leasing options when you visit us at Avery Greene Honda.

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